The Bali Arts Festival (Pesta Kesenian Bali/PKB) is a cultural and artistic festive event that is held once a year.
For the people of Bali, if you hear the Bali Arts Festival which is usually held in the middle of the year, of course, it is already quite familiar. However, if it is not a native of Bali, this word may sound strange because it rarely hears the term. In fact, the Bali Arts Festival has been held routinely every year for decades.
The Bali Arts Festival itself is a continuation of the Bali Arts Festival which has many advantages and attractive offers in it.
Ranging from those related to culture to the best classical arts. Well, for travellers who want to experience traditional and cultural tourism on the island of Bali? Then this event and place are certainly one of the best choices that are highly recommended.
At this point, surely you will be interested, not about this Bali Arts Festival? If so, don’t worry because you still have many opportunities to think about it in the years to come.
However, before that getting to know various things further about him is no less important. Therefore, let’s go directly to the review.
What’s happening at the Bali Arts Festival every year?
If you have never seen or come at the Bali Arts Festival, you might be curious as to what exactly is here so that there is much public attention. The special attraction of the week is certainly there because of the various things it offers. Meanwhile, to get to know a few things that you can find here, let’s just check out the review.
1. Music and Dance Performances
The name is also a cultural and artistic feast, of course, it is not surprising if the music and dance typical of several districts in Bali are shown. Especially if you see Bali which is very thick with points of art and culture. In this case, the traveller can enjoy the music and dance performances at several points in the region and this show will be done every day considering this is a daily show.
If you want to see one of them, then you can come to the Bali art party. You can take notes with photo images on your mobile phone for a month of the art performance schedule. Then, on one of the different days, you can see a Balinese dance performance which is performed every day to be performed. Well, this display is of course still very thick with cultural values. So it is not only interesting but also educates our insight into the love of diversity in Indonesia’s beloved homeland.
2. Highlighted by Various Interesting Features
In addition to a variety of impressive performances, Bali Arts Festival is also highlighted with a variety of interesting features in it that can be enjoyed. Even the features intended here are various offerings that are second to none so you really need to enjoy them. Especially if you are already in the area of Bali at the time the event was held.
Well, some of these interesting features include a very impressive dance drama, a modern Balinese Theater and a photography workshop. Not limited to there, Bali Arts Festival also presents several other interesting things such as a culinary festival that is ready to satisfy your tongue to musical performances that are second to none.
3. Enjoy The Beauty of Classical Dance
If previously mentioned a little about the Balinese dance, in this case during the party will be presented whose names are classical dances of various kinds. So, if you are curious about classical dance in Bali and want to see it firsthand, then don’t waste the opportunity within that one month period.
In this case, several types of dance that are usually performed are legong dance, gambuh dance, barong dance and gemblungan ball dance. In addition, you can also find mask dances and the like. However, in this dance, a contemporary dance choreography has been created so that it looks even more interesting.
And what’s interesting is that in 2018 classical dance performances are not only Balinese culture and dances, but dances and cultures from several regions of the Indonesian Archipelago participated in the festivities of this Balinese art party.
4. Many Exciting Competitions are Held Here
Not only limited to performances, but you also need to know that there are so many exciting competitions held during the Bali Arts Festival. The competition certainly involved directly those Balinese citizens. As for the type of competition, of course, the competition that smells of art and culture.
Well, some of the lists of competitions that are usually held are literary writing competitions, painting competitions, and handicraft competitions which are also one of the elements of art. In addition, given that Bali is thick with culture, there is also a documentary film-making competition. In addition, given the beauty of Bali, a photography competition was also held.
5. Screening of Documentary Films
Previously it has been explained that one of the interesting competitions to follow here is the documentary film competition. Well, in the end, this documentary will also be screened for visitors. Therefore, those of you who are curious can take a look at it. The films shown here are of course all interesting and have their own value.
Some of the points outlined above are of course still part of what you can find at the Bali Arts Festival. In fact, it turns out there are also some parades that can be your own entertainment. Starting from the kebyar gong parade, the panca mask parade, the shadow puppet parade and many more. If you are curious about its greatness, you can prove it yourself.
A Brief History of the Bali Arts Festival
The Bali Arts Festival was first performed precisely in 1979 by the Bali government. This activity is one of the ideas sparked by the late Prof. Dr Ida Bagus Mantra.
The initial goal was to accommodate the aspirations of Balinese art and preserve it. Because of that, the idea was initiated and a people’s party which has been increasingly in great interest.
The First Bali Arts Festival was held precisely on June 20, 1979. The existence of a public party that has been routinely in this title has even been recognized in the Law of the local government of Bali also listed the rules.
The rule is none other than Bali Province Regulation number 07 of 1986 concerning the Balinese art party. With the existence of this regional regulation, there is a strong basis for the routine party implementation in Bali.
These past few years have been held for the Bali Arts Festival held for one month.
But in fact, you need to know that first in the early years of the Bali Arts Festival the event has been held far longer for two months. In addition to the culture of each village, there are quite a lot of regencies. So, it is very natural that the holding of the Bali Arts Festival lasts for weeks.
Why Does Every Year Have to Have a Bali Arts Festival?
So far the same question may arise in your mind, which is about the implementation of the Bali Arts Festival each year itself. Of course in its annual deployment has special rules so you also have to find out more to answer your curiosity. It is also very closely related to what is called culture.
Well, the Bali Arts Festival is one of the parties that is very useful to awaken people’s creativity and activity. Besides that, the routine has been pioneered since a long time ago. Even the implementation has been regulated in local regulations. Therefore, still preserving it is a must to be fulfilled, especially for the indigenous people and young generation of Bali.
Benefits and Purpose of a Bali Art Festival
The existence of the Bali Arts Festival which is present every year is certainly not necessarily used only to follow custom or a type of preserving Balinese traditional ceremonies. Behind it all, there should be some special objectives to be achieved from the organization. While some of the benefits and objectives of the Balinese arts party the Bali Arts Festival includes the following:
• Preserve Balinese arts and culture
The main reason for holding the Bali Arts Festival every year is, of course, to preserve Balinese culture so that it can stay alive and not be passed on to future generations in Bali. That way, Bali can still survive as it is today. With this week the spirit of art and culture of the community can help build.
• Awaken the spirit to maintain the authenticity of culture on the island of the Gods
If the culture is maintained, of course, the local community will be enthusiastic in participating in the guard. In addition, it is also to maintain the authentic and authentic Balinese culture as inherited from the ancestors. For this reason, the Bali Arts Festival is increasingly important in relation to art and culture.
• To uncover the hidden talents of artists and humanists
On an island like Bali, which has been thick with art and culture since ancient times, of course, many pearls are hidden in it. These pearls are in the form of artists and cultural figures who might not have shown themselves to the surface. Now, with this Bali arts festival week, indirectly they will start popping up
• Provide opportunities for the community to show their talents
It’s not just a matter of hidden talent and lack of interest, but sometimes someone really doesn’t have a chance. Therefore, in order not to lose the best assets that are experts in this field, every year Bali opens opportunities for those who have the talent and high interest.
Bali Arts Festival 2020 Abolished
The Provincial Government of Bali announced the elimination of the 42nd Bali Arts Festival (PKB) in 2020 following the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Indonesia, especially on the still large island of the Gods.
The biggest folk art party eagerly awaited by the Balinese and foreign tourists was originally held on June 13-July 11, 2020. Next year, the annual program of the Bali government has just been held again.
“This is indeed not an easy decision, Mr Governor (Wayan Koster) after discussions with regents/mayors in Bali and the Chair of the DPRD agreed to abolish the 42nd Bali Arts Week (PKB) this year,” said I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, Head of the Bali Provincial Culture Office, Tuesday (31/3), launched
Notice of the elimination of the Bali Arts Festival 2020 contained in a letter from the Governor of Bali Number 430/3287 / Secretariat / DISBUD dated March 31, 2020, addressed to Regents / Mayors throughout Bali.
Governor Koster asked the Balinese people to understand the decision. Next year, he promised to carry out the Bali Arts Festival more lively.
The Bali Arts Festival is one of the longest-running festivals in Indonesia. It was first held 42 years ago precisely in 1978 by the Governor of Bali Ida Bagus Mantra.
The basic idea of the Bali Arts Festival is a folk party to stage various works of creative works, art, and artistic aspirations both reconstructed art, innovative art, arts attractions and appreciation of Balinese art and culture.
Like other arts programs, the Bali Arts Festival requires stages of production to exhibitions. This program is held in stages starting from the district/city level.
Cannot be Delayed
Kun Adnyana explained, actually, this program could be postponed like other art events in Indonesia. But because this party also involves students, it cannot be postponed, because it collides with the school agenda.
It was held from June to July to encourage school children, who were also important participants in the party, to be involved because it coincided with school holidays.
Even if it can be postponed, it will also clash with the government’s art agenda which will be held in October, the Jani Bali Festival. If it is still forced, many other arts programs will be postponed.
“It was discussed to postpone the Bali Arts Festival, but if it resigned, there were many competitions involving students,” he said.
The ISI Denpasar academician added, there are two considerations related to the elimination of the Bali Arts Festival 2020. First, related to the direction and policy of President Joko Widodo so that the local government focus on preventing and handling Covid-19.
The second consideration is related to the uncertainty in reducing the Covid-19 pandemic, while the implementation of the Bali Arts Festival is very close to the national emergency response deadline for the spread of Covid-19, May 29, 2020.
With that consideration, it is almost certain that the preparation and implementation of the Bali Arts Festival 2020 are not optimal, so as to reduce the festivity and essence of the event.
“Taking this into account and oral input from the regent/mayor, Governor Wayan Koster agreed to cancel the 42nd Bali Arts Festival this year,” said the Balinese artist.
Atma Kerthi
Bali Art Festival 2020 actually carries the theme “Atma Kerthi: Purification of the Perfect Soul”. This theme has a meaning that is aligned with the theme of the previous Bali Arts Festival, which is “Akasacara: Exploring Space, Building a Virtual World”.
The application and synergy of these two themes will later be realized through various events during the Bali Arts Festival 2020, one of which is the opening parade or the Great Peed.
In its history, the Bali Arts Festival has also philosophically been a media and a means of motivating people to explore, discover, and display cultural arts and to improve people’s welfare.
Bali Arts Festival is the longest folk party because it took two months. But lately, the duration has only been reduced to one month.
This folk art party is generally always opened by high-ranking state officials, whether by Ministers, Vice Presidents, Presidents and even the First Lady. At the Bali Arts Festival 2019, President Jokowi and First Lady Iriana had the opportunity to attend the opening parade.
President Jokowi was wearing brown Balinese traditional clothes, combined with purple udeng, saput and kamen and First Lady Iriana who wore orange Balinese kebaya.